Embark on a magical journey to the North Pole aboard The Polar Express! This beloved animated holiday film follows a young boy who begins to doubt the existence of Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve, he’s whisked away on a mysterious train that promises adventure, wonder, and the discovery of true holiday spirit. As the train chugs through snowy landscapes and dazzling sights, the boy and his fellow passengers encounter thrilling challenges and heartwarming lessons about friendship, bravery, and belief. With stunning visuals and a touching performance by Tom Hanks in multiple roles, The Polar Express is a timeless story that reminds us all that the magic of Christmas is real for those who believe.
This FREE family film is generously sponsored by the towns of Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor & Southport.
"One thing about trains: it doesn’t matter where they’re going. What matters is deciding to get on."
– The Polar Express
ADA-mandated Audio Descriptive (AD) and Closed Caption (CC) devices available for the visually and hearing-impaired. Inquire at the concession stand.