A new era begins as Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) steps fully into the role of Captain America, but his mission is far from simple. When a high-stakes rescue mission leads to the discovery of a mysterious package, Sam and his Falcon-in-training Joaquin Torres (Danny Ramirez) are invited to the White House by newly elected President Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford) for a pivotal international treaty announcement. However, what should be a moment of unity quickly turns into a global crisis. As chaos erupts, Sam finds himself entangled in a dangerous conspiracy with world-altering consequences. With enemies lurking in the shadows and trust in short supply, he must work alongside his mentor Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbly) to uncover the true mastermind behind the chaos—before it’s too late. Blending high-octane action, political intrigue, and the weight of a new legacy, Captain America: Brave New World is a thrilling next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, proving that being Captain America isn’t just about wielding the shield—it’s about standing for what’s right, no matter the cost.

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